A Fresh Start... Again

It's been about 6 months since the results of the June 2008 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exams was released. It's been about 6 months of wallowing in despair and hopelessness. Six months of looking for a career shift and a bootcamp. I was seriously on the verge of applying in a bootcamp in Fujitsu for Cisco subjects. And after 6 long months of waiting finally, I get good news. I got a call from my uncle, he was worried about me still not getting a job here in the Philippines so guess what?

He's going to sponsor my bridging program in Canada! Yay.

Gotta ask gayle about some more information about the matter. Finally, i got something better to do than sit here at the house all day. Oh well, I've learnt so much about the internet these past six months and I'm going to miss this lifestyle. But hey, these kinds of oppurtunities don't come very often and I'm just very happy that my life has it's direction again. My uncle wants me to go to Canada by May but I think that the process and the papers would take at least six months to finish so I'm setting my target date to August. Oh yeah! A Fresh Start for me again!

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Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds great. Congratulations!

R V said...

Congrats for getting your uncle to sponsor for you. Going to Canada good luck you are one of the few who get a chance to visit the mystic landscape.

Albert Reyes said...

thanks vinay! Well, I hope I can get to canada asap.

Anonymous said...

That's fabulous news! Congratulations. :) BTW.. I found you through your BlogCatalog groups. Glad I did.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Just goes to show you never know what good things might be just around the corner for you!

Unknown said...

;) congrats! kunin mo ko a!