I'm Back!

Well, after some months of looking for work, I end down here blogging again. So what happened? Well, I sent out my resumes to many hospitals hoping to find work, sadly the recruitment processes are not that fast so I'm gonna wait for a long while.

Anyway, updates on the Dota world. Latest map out is 6.59b. You can download it here. Changes from 57b to 59b are too many to mention here so I suggest you go for a read here.

Gameplay changes and strategies are again changed. Many heroes can now jungle effectively. Enigma can jungle at level 1 using RoB and conversion. Clinkz can full jungle at level 6 with his Death Pact. There are a couple of more heroes but I'll leave you to think for your own strategies here.

Also major changes on Storm Spirit (Raijin) and Undying (Dirge) have been made. New skills for them, each with his own unique way to own. I personally like Raijin more, cause Dirge is a little hard to use but when used effectively, he can be very strong. My item build suggestion for Raijin is Shiva - Skadi but most people on Garena i see are using bloodstone + guinsoo. Never tried it before but theoretically, my build would be better. Dirge has an item that would make him a monster in clash but I won't post it here. I'll leave it for you guys to discover.

That's all for the DOTA post now. Feel free to comment and post your own strats.

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