Express yourself while earning

I would like to share with you guys a great website that would allow you to express your opinions while earing that extra buck.

Go here. is a site wherein you can earn money by simply creating or replying to topics. That's right folks, you read it right. You can earn some money in this site by simply discussing yourself. This is a really great site for those debaters and those who are bored to death at home. You can chat with other mylotters via the discussion board. Feel free to discuss anything you want, many members are very active and reply fast to discussions. Keep in mind however that there are rules to follow when posting discussions.

The minimum payout is 10 dollars. You can recieve your payments via PayPal. A PayPal account is a must here. It's easy to create an account at Paypal. Go to their website and create an account. After registering, you can already deposit your funds there from mylot or from any other paying sites, even without the credit card. You can withdraw the amount in your paypal account by opening a debit card account at union bank for 350 pesos only.

Keep in mind that this is not a substitute for your job. The credit accumulation is very slow and there is a limit as to how much dollars you can earn a day. The best thing about the site is that registration is free. Well, stop reading this post and start registering now at!

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